Working with an executive coach to help you get the best out of your life and work? Here is a list of six executive coaching myths that might help you to understand what coaching is and isn’t.
1. Coaching isn’t about psychological therapy
Coaching is a confidential and trusting one-on-one professional relationship with an impartial third-party. Coaching is about an evolving conversation to profoundly improve your effectiveness in life and work, without taking you away from your job.
2. Coaching isn’t about having a loose conversation
Coaching is about a focused one-on-one conversation geared towards identifying and turning your challenges into opportunities. Your coach holds you accountable as you propel yourself towards a brilliant and tangible future.
3. Coaching isn’t about dealing with under-performing people
Many successful executives use coaches to unleash the their full potential – especially in times of change. Coaches have a goal of improving you leadership and interpersonal skills through impartial and clear-speaking developmental feedback. Executive coaching is all about achieving high performance that is aligned with personal or organizational goals.
4. Coaching isn’t about giving you all of the answers
Coaches are committed to the belief that the answers are within you. Think of your coach as a thinking partner. Your coach can help you to reframe your point of view to discover your unlimited potential.
5. Coaching isn’t something that everyone can do
Coaching is a profession that requires advanced training and accreditation in communication skills and knowledge of human behaviour. Coaches build trusting relationships. Their curiosity, experience, compassion and a unique commitment to help others to reach their full potential. Coaches follow an unbreakable code of ethics that guarantees confidentiality.
6. Coaching isn’t for everyone
You must be open to feedback and positive reinvigorating change. You are your future. Are you up for the coaching challenge? Are these executive coaching myths holding you back?
Are any of these executive coaching myths holding you back?